According to a thinker, James Thurber, old age is the most unexpected of all the things that happen to a man.

Hence, when you rise in the morning, give thanks to God for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. For the aged; give thanks for long life. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age because when grace is joined to wrinkles, it is adorable. It is by the special grace of God that one attains the age of eighty. It is no mean feat. Thus, it is usually celebrated in view of the fact that old age is good and pleasant. Old age is a record of one’s whole life.
That is why Nise Town Union, in conjunction with the Igwe-in-council, a composite of tested and proven men and women that cherish honour, respect and old age, have risen and resolved to tender and adore their old men and women who are eighty years and above, tagged UGONDU NISE. UGONDU NISE title will be conferred on all the octogenarians and above on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 during Nise Day that will hold at Central School Field.
Already, about two hundred and twelve males and females have been screened and confirmed to be worthy for the maiden UGONDU NISE title from the four villages in Nise, God’s own community. There are thirty-eight in Arah villge, eighty-eight in Ngodo, forty-five in Isiakpu and forty-one in Umuazu village. December twenty-sixth is therefore a day of appreciation and thanksgiving to God in Nise. This is because to become an octogenarian is not a child’s play, especially in this clime where research shows that life expectancy is sixty-three for male and sixty-six for female. It is therefore by the special grace of God that one can attain the age of eighty in Nigeria.
Equally, Nise community, will, on Saturday, December 30, 2017, hold a reception in honour of her illustrious son, Right Reverend Professor Israel Chukwukeluo Okoye, Anglican Bishop of Ihiala Diocese at the same Central School Field, Nise.
 What the organizers had in mind was to honour those who have soared as high as the eagle (UGO) in the journey of life. The importance of the elderly in any community is re-echoed by the wise saying of the vulture who prayed that death should spare elderly people so that they would be available to teach young ones that the vulture is not meant to be eaten. Hence, the aim of the biennial UGONDU NISE title award is aimed at prolonging the lives of the aged and to ensure they live a more fulfilling and happy old age.
No doubt, the conferment of this UGONDU NISE AWARD comes with many benefits. The awardees shall have their names prefixed with the title of UGONDU; they are excluded from payment of all dues and levies in Nise from kindred to town union level; they are entitled to address any meeting or gathering while sitting, if they so wish. Equally, they must be treated with due respect and dignity befitting of an UGONDU AWARDEE, while anybody who hurts them, hurts the entire people of Nise.
It must be admitted that octogenarians have indeed been shouldered off the stage and given such a comfortable front stall as spectators by Ndi Nise. This is exemplary and can spur young ones to live aright to merit God’s favour and grace for longevity. Ndi Nise heartily congratulate all awardees and thank God for His kindness towards the entire Nise community.
We therefore invite all our friends, relations, in-laws and well wishers to Central School field, Nise on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 and Saturday, December 30, 2017 by twelve noon each day for these epoch making events, signaling the maiden conferment of UGONDU NISE title on our mummies, daddies and grannies who have attained the age of eighty and above and the reception of Bishop Israel Okoye. Be part of these carnivals that will showcase music and dances; merriment and thanksgiving to God. We wish you merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. NISE IS ON THE MOVE!