September 11, 1942 will ever remain green in the memory of the Eze onwuanua Elisie of Iruoruka kindred of Ezi-Abba village, Abba in Njikoka Local Government Area.

This is because while the world was in turmoil, fighting the Second World War, Abba was still and the stars bright in heaven above as a maiden laboured to bring forth he who was to lead is people.
Attendants took the maiden behind the hut while Eze Onwuanua waited patiently until the cry of a baby and the joyful shout heralded the birth of Igwe Leonard Nwankwo Eze. When he came of age, young Nwankwo was enrolled into Saint Augustine’s Primary School, CMS, Abba for his primary education, which he completed at Emmanuel Primary School, Moroa River, near Jos.
Young Leonard had to learn a trade upon completion of standard six and Mr. Samuel Nwaebunu of Ukpo took him to Ayalagu in Nasarawa state. Young Leonard cut his first teeth, trading in what was popularly referred to as ‘afia article’. He mastered the art in just three years. Unlike his peers, he chose to have his monthly stipend saved for him by his master and at the end of the three years in 1961, he had a whooping sum of eighteen pounds released to him. This, with the eighty-two pounds raised by his parents, the king-to-be started a flourishing yam business.
However, in 1963, young Leonard recorded his first setback in life with the destruction of his pan-wagon consignment of yam by heat. This dealt a heavy blow on his economy, forcing him to relocate to Abba, his home town. But he would not relent efforts to live his life, hence, he went back to his master, Mr. Nwaebunu and became a motor conductor in his bus for three months. He was, however, withdrawn from the job by his father when he fell sick.
In1964, the young man venture into timber business, where he met his destiny. His exploration for timber took him to the Midwest area and he became major dealer and a resonating name at such places as Ogedemgbe Saw Mill in Owo, Ondo State.
A young promising man, measuring up in all indices of economic growth, Leo, who, at that time, had adopted the nickname, God bless Ezenwata, that metamorphosed into  a business name, was among the first of his peers to build a four bedroom bungalow. When the Nigeria Civil war broke out, the timber business suffered setback.
After the war, the only child of his parents, who later became the leader of his people, began to piece up his life once again and with twenty pounds, he restarted his timber merchandise. Ezewata would have to go to Onitsha from Abba and in worst cases, on foot. But God remained faithful and, as is the belief in Igbo land that a person’s name seeks him out, God blessed Ezenwata and his timber business flourished again.
The year 1974 became remarkable. He laid the foundation of the transport arm of God Bless Ezenwata (Nig) Ltd. It was also in 1974 that he got married to his queen, Ebele Maureen of Akwa village, Ifiteukpo, now Ifitedunu in Dunukofia council area. True to the saying that “nobody knows the womb that shall bear the king, young Ezenwata was, in 1976, chosen by his people to be their king and was coroneted in 1977 as His Royal Highness, Igwe Leonard Nwankwo Eze, Eze Abba.
His rulership can best be described as a date with destiny as the community has, in the past forty years, witnessed a total overhaul. It was under his watch that Abba, at a time when most communities were still in darkness, got electrified and within the same period, a post-office and secondary school, among other landmark development indices.
Accruing from this peaceful disposition was the 1989 Abba Town Union constitution, which chiefly created the rotation of kingship of the community among the villages. Igwe Ezenwata’s God fearing rulership of Abba has continued to endear his subjects to him with each, sons and daughters alike, competing to surpass one another in bringing development to the town.
Though the custodian of the traditions and cultures of Abba, Igwe Ezenwata has kept faith with his creator and has, as human frailty could go, practiced his Christian faith, a reason why the Anglican Communion in Awka Diocese found him worthy to be invested with the knighthood of the Order of Saint Christopher.
Looking back, Abba community is reaping the fruit of a wise decision taken four decades ago, thanking God Almighty for His faithfulness, grace and abundant blessings as they celebrate seventy-five years of the remarkable birth and forty years on the throne of His Royal Highness, Igwe Sir Leonard Nwankwo Eze, Eze Abba.
The planning committee therefore, on behalf of Ndi Abba, invites friends, associates and well wishers to join in the celebration of this business magnet, a devout Christian and a traditional ruler with a difference as he marks his forty years on the throne and seventy-fifth birthday. NNOONU.