A maxim propounded by a prolific philosopher, Thomas Aquinas, is emphatic that “The principal act of courage is to endure and withstand dangers doggedly, rather than to attack them”.

This postulation, which can hardly be found wanting is evident in the courageous acts of Governor Willie Obiano so far.
The truth is that Governor Obiano has undertaken acts of uncommon nature and rarity that position him as a courageous leader. The regime’s ability to eclipse armed robbery, banditry and kidnapping, the mafia groups that aid and abet crime, crisis and confusion, all which existed in the past, count for his courage. Also, the on-going construction of a cargo airport that had been on the drawing board in the past four decades, among others, shows Akpokuedike’s courage.
Quite recently, his administration performed, yet another uncommon act of bravery, given the extension of grace of God which abounds in his life and governance to the retirees of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) and the Anambra Newspapers and
Printing Corporation (ANPC), the publishers of National Light tabloids.
No staff on his corporation has ever accessed any pension and gratuity since they began to retire 27 years ago due to promise and responsibility failure by the past ten governments. As they retire, the pension bill soared, reaching figures above half a billion naira.
It is unfortunate that Obiano’s predecessors failed to act, even though the corporation is established in accordance with Anambra State pension laws. However, it is at such critical period of no hope that a leader of exceptional mould and courage is positioned to sort out intractable problems that build over time through neglect, ignorance, weakness, fear, deliberate act or by nature.
Therefore, it is certain that God has chosen Obiano to clean the Augean stables that pile up in the state. With the grace of God, miracle began to set-in when the equally good-natured, God-fearing, humble and unassuming Governor Willie, rose to the challenge with a promise to strike out the drab past of empty promises and disappointment.
True to his Chieftaincy name, Akpokuedike, he released the entire fund that liquidated the entire retirement benefits in a set record of nine months as against 12 months hitherto approved. Remarkably, the huge debt involved could easily intimidate a lily-livered administrator to abandon payment in preference to fresh monthly pension bill as initially canvassed by stakeholders but Akpokuedike was never perturbed so far the objective responsibility of leadership is to solve difficult and despicable problems that have remained unsolved.
In solving this problem, Governor Obiano went straight and paid the huge accumulated pension and gratuity of  27 years simultaneously and concurrently to the satisfaction and admiration of all stakeholders. This is unprecedented and unheard of in the annals of component state governments in Nigeria. Equally, it is a clear case of exceptional courage and bravery by a governor that possessed great passion for excellence, even in the midst of odds, including the down-turn in the nation’s economy that affect every government.
No wonder, Governor Obiano is acknowledged generally by rightists and leftists, pessimists and optimists as a good starter and marvelous finisher of project and policy execution, covering physical procurement of infrastructure, public relations and human capacity development.
Finally, there is need for bishops and clerics, the traditional rulers, Ndichie and indeed, the masses of Anambra state to join in appreciating God Almighty and to thank Governor Willie Obiano for, at least, utilizing God’s abundance of grace in his life and government to neutralize ANPC’s retirees’ despicable and unfortunate plight. This has resurrected the spirit, mind and flesh into active life once-more after being abandoned as dead woods for 27 years. It’s marvelous.