Mrs Njideka Angus-Anusi has been elected as the Woman Leader, Ukwulu Town Union, Women Wing, Dunukofia Local Government Area.

Mrs Angus-Anusi polled four hundred and seventy eight votes to become the new Woman Leader of the community after a walk out by some villages who feared her own village was programmed to win by its large population.

On arrival at Ukwulu Town Hall, the venue of the election, the hall was already filled to capacity and with an opening prayer and speech by the President General of the community, Chief Walter Okafor when he dissolved the outgoing leadership and appointed the electoral officer, Mr. Samuel Tagbo, it seemed the palpable tension which had enveloped the scene of the election calmed.

Trouble, however, started when after the two candidates for the election, Mrs Njideka Angus-Anusi from Amagu village and Mrs. Benedett Onuorah from Adagbe were asked to stand out for an Option A4 format; some group of women from Adagbe however, insisted that it is the turn of Adagbe to produce the Woman Leader having not produced before.

They insisted that if any election will hold it must be between Adagbe women while stating they have only one candidate and asked their candidate, Mrs. Onuorah to lead a walk out which led to the exits of more than forty percent of the women who came for the election.

ABS however observed that according to the constitution of the community there was no arrangement for a rotational agreement in place.

Immediately after the walk out, the voting commenced seamlessly and the electoral officer, Mr. Tagbo announced Mrs. Angus-Anusi, winner with four hundred and seventy- eight votes in an Option A4 format.

Others who were returned unopposed in a voice vote include, Mrs. Ekene Onuike as Vice Woman Leader, Mars Ngozi Nwafor as Secretary, Mrs. Angela Kamuche as Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Chika Nwafor as Financial Secretary; Mrs. Felicia Ozua who was returned as Treasurer, Mrs. Ifenyinwa Okafor as Provost One and Mrs. Ekene Anusi as Provost Two while Mrs. Ngozi Okafor-Edochie, was elected as Public Relations Officer.
The new Executive of the Union has spread in all the villages who participated in the process and others who did not join in the walk out.

Speaking after the exercise, the Director of Women Affairs in the State Ministry of Social Welfare, Children and Women Affairs, Mrs. Hope Ekesiobi who led the team from the Ministry to monitor
the exercise, urged the community to adopt dialogue in dealing with their internal issues to avoid rancour and maintain peace in the community.

The winner of the election, Mrs. Angus-Anusi, in her remarks assured that she will do everything in her powers to ensure that she carries everyone along.
Chants of victory by the women erupted at the venue immediately the winner of the election was announced.