The wife of Governor of Anambra State, and founder of Caring Family Enhancement Initiative (CAFE), Chief (Mrs.) Ebelechukwu Obiano (Osodieme) has advocated for special attention to girl-child education as a way of equipping and guaranteeing bright future for them in the face of multifarious challenges confronting young girls across the globe.

Mrs Obiano made the call in a Special Message on Wednesday on the occasion of the commemoration of International Day of the Girl-child.

In the message signed by Chief Media Officer to the Governor, Emeka Ozumba, Mrs Obiano said that it is only through education that we can promote girl’s empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights while also highlighting the challenges that girls all over the world face.

According to her, “The average girl child is the most vulnerable and easily targeted by predators. It is our duty as parents and guardians to continuously teach and equip them with survival tips at home and also ensure that they get the best education. As a young girl I learnt the rudiments of housekeeping and necessary etiquettes and more by staying close to my mother and those have been my guiding principle through life journey.”

She observed that modern society is daily confronted with drastic changes leading to break down of values which in turn exacerbate issues like child marriage, trafficking, access to services regarding puberty and sexual health, and gender-based violence; education and enlightenment remains the most effective tool for assuring safety of the girl child. She therefore urged parents not to be deterred by daily survival challenges but rather remain steadfast in their commitment to the wellbeing of the girl child.

Mrs Obiano explained that Skills training and empowerment of young girls and women is one of the cardinal programmes of her NGO, CAFÉ, through which they are groomed to be self-reliant.

The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated annually on 11th October. The objective of the day is to promote girl’s empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights while also highlighting the challenges that girls all over the world face.