All states of the federation participating in the World Bank Community and Social Development Agency, CSDA, are expected to draw down at least four million dollars each before the project winds up in June 2020.

The National Coordinator of the Agency, Dr AbdulKarim Obaje announced this during a two -day retreat for members of Board of Directors of Anambra state Community and Social Development Agency.

The retreat held at the Golden Tulip Agulu Lake Hotel Agulu, Anaocha Local Government Area, drew participants from the Ministries of Works, Finance, Utilities, Local governments, Communities and Chieftaincy Affairs, Women Affairs and Civil Society Organizations.

Dr. Obaje who clearly stated the functions of the Board to include oversight functions, funding, recruitment and monitoring of activities of the Agency, assured that the late inclusion of Anambra state into CSDA, will not deprive it it’s full benefits.
Earlier while declaring the retreat open, the state Chairman of the Agency, Igwe Rowland Odegbo of Nteje urged them to listen attentively, understand the agencies rules and regulations for constructive criticism.

Igwe Odegbo noted that the retreat was the product of their inaugural meeting on June where they unanimously agreed for it to be organized since the Board has critical role to play for the success of the project.

The General Manager, state CSDA, Mr. Chudi Muojekwu, said that following the release of fund from the World Bank last August, they have sensitized all the five participating council areas of the state whom have been asked to express interest in writing.
Mr. Muojekwu disclosed that out of the fifty-five communities in the five participating council areas, only thirty-six communities have declared interest to benefit with twenty-one engaged in day to day rural appraisal and implementation activities.

For some members of the Board, including the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works, Barrister Emeka Ohuoha, his Local Government, Communities and Chieftaincy Affairs counterpart, Mr. Nwabuowu Ogbaji and Igwe Charles Agbala of Uke, the retreat availed them the opportunity to brain storm on their roles to properly midwife the CSDA for the benefit of the state.