The International Community is observing today as Statistics Day
The world Statistics Day was first celebrated in 2010 after the United
Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to that effect with the aim of bringing to the front-burner the importance of statistics in development.

Statistics seems to be a vague word both in meaning and application to
most Nigerians who see it from the perspective of being a number
narrowed to income and expenditure only and frightening to most
students who study it as a discipline.

According to Wikipedia, Statistics is a branch of Mathematics which deals with collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data both for socioeconomic and other purposes.

Speaking to the ABS on the importance of statistics to human life, the Dean School of Information Technology, Federal Polytechnic Oko, Dr. Onyeka Uwakwe, noted that statistics is indispensable to the development of any nation as adequate and reliable statistics enables planning and policy formulation which ensures development.

Dr. Uwakwe advised the citizenry to start valuing information and
records, starting by keeping personal and family records which are
important while also being able to give out adequate and reliable information when needed rather than being secretive about them.
In his view, a statistics teacher at the Department of Mass Communication in the same Polytechnic, Mr. Collins Obiorah opined that statistics is both an area of study and a human activity which is important in both development and planning.
He pointed out that statistics must be incorporated in all spheres of national life to ensure credibility and progress while canvassing for the National Bureau of Statistics to be given the leverage to do their work while students must begin to appreciate statistics for what it is rather than seeing it as a challenge.