Mrs Ifeoma Obi has been installed as the ninth President of the Rotary
Club of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, District 9142.

Mrs Obi is an ace journalist and Station Manager of the UNIZIK FM.

Speaking during the event, the immediate past President of the Club,

Mr Gideon Ezu stated that Rotary provides service at both community and international levels such as healthcare, reduction of hunger and poverty, as well as environmental sanitation and maintenance among others, which he said allows members to experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the society.

Mr Ezu listed some benefits of a Rotarian to include professional networking, personal growth and development, friendship, cultural
diversity, good citizenship, family foundations and ethical reorientation which he noted are important in empowering young professionals.

In her inaugural address, the new President of the Rotary Club of Awka District 9142, Mrs Obi said that the day will remain indelible as it holds a remarkable achievement in her journey in the noble Club,
assuring that she will use the renewed vigour and determination to exceed the legacy laid previous years and called for both financial and moral support towards realizing the laid down projects.

Responding on behalf of other awardees honoured on the occasion, the Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Nnamdi Azikiwe University Professor Stella Okunna, promised that the gesture will continue to spur her to do more for the society.

The installation drew members of the Rotary club within and outside the State.

The club which is an international service organization is aimed at bringing together business and professionals to provide humanitarians services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to
advance goodwill and peace around the world.