As part of measures to boost power supply across the state, the state government has initiated measures to tackle protracted power supply problems in communities in Ihiala Local Government Area.

Governor Willie Obiano while speaking at a power summit held in Ihiala local government Council, Ihiala, promised to proffer lasting solutions that would ensure uninterrupted power supply.

The Governor represented by his Senior Special Assistant on Public Utility, Power and Water Resources, Engineer Victor Meju regretted that some communities in the state are still in darkness due to insufficient transformers to power their loads and revealed that over four hundred transformers had been procured and distributed to some communities who had suffered poor power supply in the past by his administration.

Governor Obiano pointed out that his government is making further arrangements to procure more transformers to distribute to other communities that are in need of them, even as he said that last year, his administration connected thirty-two kilo meter lines from Awada to Nnewi, including Orumba North and South which were connected from Oji River.

He made it clear that the connection of communities to national grid will continue till every community in the state gets power supply.

The Community Laison Manager, Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, (EEDC), Mr. Tony Obi who said that his team had been duly directed to ascertain the various communities in the local government that needed urgent attention, explained that over six million people in the South East are benefiting from power generation and noted that sixty one transformers has been provided in Ihiala, out of which forty had been suspended and twenty one of them very active.

On his part one of the stakeholders in Ihiala Mr. Ken Emekaya commended Governor Willie Obiano for his zeal to boost power supply in the entire state.

In their separate reactions, the Transition Committee Chairman Ihiala Local government Area, Barr Ifeanyi Odimegwu, the President General, Azia community, Sir Kenneth Mmaduako, the Senior Special Assistant, Project Monitory and Management Office, Barr Ifeanyi Ezeka, and the Chairman Planning Committee, Engineer Akaolisa Basil complained that they had suffered for the past ten years due to lack of power, yet receive monthly bills from EEDC.