Governor Willie Obiano has been commended for remaining responsive to the plights of the masses.

This was the view of the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Sub Council of the Knights of Saint Mulumba during a visit to holding Centers at Ogbaru Local Government Headquarters, Atani, recently.

In his speech on behalf of the Sub Council, a Grand Knight, Dr Gabby Nwankwo said the visit was in support of what Governor Obiano has been doing to alleviate the sufferings of those affected by flood.

Dr Nwankwo disclosed that the plight of the people affected by flood is a source of concern to the Sub Council hence, the visit with relief materials including food stuffs and clothing materials worth thousands of naira.

Receiving the materials on behalf of the people, the flood Committee Chairman, Ogbaru local government area, Hon Ben Nwasike expressed gratitude for the visit which he noted is in tandem with the government’s commitment to the welfare of the people.

The Chairman of the relief visit of the Sub Council, Dr Ralph Omaliko expressed joy for the success of the visit urging the people to remain prayerful in all situations.

The flood affected people were visibly appreciative of the visit thanking the state government for its commitment to their welfare which they noted has continued to attract support from well meaning individuals and groups.