The 2018 flood that ravaged Ogbaru local government area may have come and gone, leaving in its wake bitter tales of destruction of people’s houses, farmlands, crops, domestic animals and loss of human lives.

The victims of the flood disaster in the Local Government were quartered at various holding centres set up by the Anambra state
government where food and other humanitarian needs were provided for
them by the government all through the duration of the flood.

Thankfully, the flood has receded to the river bank and the victims have all gone home and are beginning to pick up the pieces of their
lives again.

However, the people of Ogbaru locyal Government Area have not forgotten
the care they received from the Anambra state government which helped in lessening the difficulties of the seven weeks that the flood tormented the people.

Speaking through the Chairman of the Local Government, Mr Arinzechukwu Awogu, the people of Ogbaru applauded the timely response to the disaster by Governor Willie Obiano in mobilizing relief materials and
food items for the eleven thousand one hundred and eighty flood affected persons scattered in the seven holding Centres and Clusters as well as hard to reach communities where the victims were taking

The Council boss also commended the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education,
Security Agencies, the National Emergency Management Agency, the Anambra State Emergency Management Agency, the media, faith based organizations, NGOs and public spirited individuals that also assisted in arresting the humanitarian challenge posed by the flood and said that the people of Ogbaru are eternally grateful for their help.