A priest and four deacons have been ordained by the Mbamili Diocese of the Anglican Communion.

The event took place at the Cathedral Church of Saint Michael Umuikwu Anam, Anambra West Local Government Area and was officiated by the Diocesan Bishop, Right Reverend Henry Okeke.

The ordination commenced with the presentation and examination of the candidates while Bishop Okeke later led them in Oath taking, charging them to be shepherds over the flock of Christ professing the faith in Jesus and to proclaim the gospel afresh to all generation.

The Bishop later anointed their fore heads with oil and presented each of them with a copy of the holy Bible.

The new Priests pledged allegiance to Jesus Christ, promising that their loyalty will be total, absolute and undivided.

Some of the new priests including Reverend Victor Nwaka Ume and Christian Chukwuemeka expressed joy for being a priest promising to preach the total gospel of Jesus Christ.