Wealth and affluence are today the yardstick for measuring one’s acceptance by the society unlike the days of yore, when Ndi Igbo had respect for wisdom and hardwork.

In this special report, Ekwi Ajide takes a look at the causes and consequences of get rich quick syndrome.

Get rich quick syndrome is a situation whereby people especially youths try to make it big at all costs.

This unbridled quest for wealth could be as a result of desire for recognition, poverty, peer pressure, push from parents or religious houses or government’s inability to provide jobs.

On this back drop, many vices such as internet fraud, rituals, armed robbery, kidnapping, prostitution among others thrive.

According to Pastor Tony Ezeh of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Asaba, desire for quick wealth leads to untimely death and warned youths to be contented with what they have at all times as wealth is buillt over time.

He decried the attitude of some community and religious leaders who arrogate positions and titles on people without asking the source of their wealth.

A teacher, Lady Francisca Okoye, urged youths to always strive to attain the highest education before going for wealth as according to her, that is when they will make more knowledgeable choices in the pursuit for wealth.

She cautioned parents to be mindful of their utterances around their children especially those who the growth of their children with those of their contemporaries.

For Mr. Alexander Ibeneme, insatiable wants of youths are usually as a result of unbelief in God which has led to increase in crime and implored the citizenry to desist from placing much emphasize on wealth as it propels youth to aspire to be wealthy, thereby cutting corners to achieve the feat.