The traditional ruler of Enugu-ukwu, Igwe Ralph Ekpeh, has called on the Nigerian electorate not to be deferred by the postponement of this year general elections to the twenty-third of February and ninth of March respectively.

Igwe Ekpeh, who made the call at his palace in Enugu-ukwu following INEC rescheduling of the elections encouraged them to persevere in their determination to exercise their franchise through the ballot box.

The Royal Father condemned in strong terms what he described as insulting postponement of the elections without taking into consideration the temperaments and schedules of Nigerians who are the real owners of the country.

He said by the act, government neglected the predicament of the masses who may have fixed engagements and other serious commitments on the earlier announced dates and the future announced dates.

On his part, an Amawbia based legal expert, Barrister Chike Oranye, frowned at the postponement of the elections which has affected millions of Nigeria one way or the other.

Barrister Oranye, appealed to the Nigerian electorate not to be discouraged by the postponement but to come out on the designated dates by INEC to choose their leaders.