Today is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the Lenten season in the Christendom when Christians observe the forty days fasting and prayer as Christ did in the wilderness.

The day is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and will be observed by Christians including the Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Methodist, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and some Baptists.

Special services will be held across the Christendom today to mark the day.

Speaking on the significance of the day, the Vicar, Parish Church of Immanuel, Ukwulu, Reverend Canon Bernard Obiekwe said the season calls for prayers, fasting and repentance among Christians noting that the imposition of ash on the forehead of every Christian symbolises the dust from which God made them and to remind them that unto dust they shall return.

Reverend Canon Obiekwe explained that the period is essential part of the religious and cautioned Christians not to take the period as ordinary but be persistent in prayers during and after, even as he challenged them as mortals, to strive for eternity and embrace almsgiving.

The Parish Priest of Saint Peters Catholic Parish, Awka, Reverend Father Nicholas Okekeocha said the day marks the beginning of forty days of fasting and prayer by Christ in preparation for his public ministry noting that the church holds the period in high esteem as it herald the great feast of salvation and redemption.

Reverend Father Okekeocha who urged everyone to use the period for sober reflection, prayers and arms giving for grace, reminded the Catholics of abstinence from meat and charged them to use the period to re-examine themselves and forgive others.

On his part, the Resident Priest of Saint Josephs Church, Reverend Nzubechukwu Obiejemba advised Christians to use this season to repent and submit totally to Christ.