The essence of governance is for government to do for the people what they cannot do for themselves. Naturally, the role of lawmakers is to make laws for good governance, move motions, and carry out oversight functions. Thus, it becomes exceptional for a lawmaker, in carrying out these constitutional responsibilities, provides amenities that improve the welfare of his constituents.

However, the Bible, in Proverbs chapter 29, verse 2, puts it succinctly, ‘when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice’. Moreover, goodness is about character-integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral, courage and the like and there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Honourable Timothy Ifedioranma is exemplary when it comes to generosity and delivery of democracy dividends to the people of Njikoka One constituency whom he represents in the Anambra State House of Assembly. He is God fearing, articulate, humble, unassuming and a consummate politician.

Born into the family of late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Sarah Ekwunife in Mmimi village, Nwafia, Honourable Timothy Ifedioranma attended Federal School of Arts and Science, Lagos, where he completed his Higher School Certificate (HSC). He had his first degree in Public Administration from the University of Lagos and later, Masters Degree in Legal Studies and Political Science from the Lagos State University and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka respectively. He obtained PhD in Psychology at North Carolina University, USA.

So far, the achievements of Honourable Dr Timothy Ifedioranma in the Anambra State House of Assembly in the past three years and few months are enormous and unequalled. He has positively touched all the communities in Umunri where he represents. He renovated Nurses’ quarters at the Enugwu Agidi Health Center, renovated and equipped the Chemistry and Physics laboratory building at Government Technical College, constructed an edifice village square at Ogwugwu village square and Ezi-Emenne square as well as constructed a new borehole at Ezi-Emenne village square Enugwu Agidi.

 Honourable Dr Timothy Ifedioranma equally embarked on tilling of the auditorium of Comprehensive Secondary School, Nawfia; rehabilitated the borehole and built 12 VIP toilets in the school. He equally constructed new Borehole at Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Nawfia; attracted the upgrading of the psychiatric Hospital and rehabilitated the borehole at Nawfia Health Center. Currently, he is digging new borehole at Saint Silas’ Church, Adagbe Mmimi, Nawfia and constructing new modern hospital building with doctors’ quarters.

At Enugwu Ukwu, Honourable Ifedioranma reconstructed 4 class room blocks at Okutalukwe Secondary School; renovated 5-bedroom bungalow with modern facilities for a widow (Mrs Ogili) at Urukpaleke village, constructed a new Borehole at Umuorji village square and dug a new borehole with overhead tank at Enu-Avomimi, all in Enugwu Ukwu. Honourable Dr Timothy Ifedioranma equally provided ambulance for the three communities.

Apart from the physical infrastructures provided or attracted, the law maker has equally moved over 20 motions and presented many bills before the House. Disturbed by the rate of erosion menace in his constituency, Honourable Timothy Ifedioranma has severally urged the state government to urgently control the erosion at the Osili bridge, Enugu Agu-village, Enugwu-ukwu. He equally called for the reconstruction, road maintenance and provision of road furniture to the deplorable state of Enugwu-Agidi/Achalla/Isuaniocha road.

Other motions moved by Honourable Timothy Ifedioranma include the motion to expeditiously checkmate the erosion menace ravaging the Adagbe-Avomimi/Urunebo Ocha road by Saint Ben’s Catholic Church, Enugwu Ukwu; speedy completion of the construction of perimeter security fences and installation of modern security gadgets around Government-owned schools as well as ensure that is properly secured by competent security guards. He also moved motions calling on the state government to ensure improved, timely and standard maintenance of state roads; tackling the massive influx of fake herb medicine practitioners in the state among numerous others as well as motions on bush burning and regular disposal of wastes in the state.

Above all, Honourable Ifedioranma is one of the few lawmakers who regularly interact with his constituents to feel their pulse, brief them on happenings in government and put heads together to chat the way forward. He did all these in his first attempt. His second tenure, if re-elected under APGA will be more resounding, for the Bible says, ‘whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and He will reward him for what he has done.’