A United Nations investigation says last year’s violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo amounts to crimes against humanity.

According to the International body, at least five hundred people were killed, including families burnt alive in their homes and a two-year-old who was thrown into a septic tank.

It said that Ethnic violence broke out when one community wanted to bury one of their traditional chiefs on another community’s land.

The investigation added that violence could flare up again at any time. Investigators say the violence between sixteenth and eighteenth December 2018 was planned and executed with the support of Customary Chiefs.

Members of the Batende community attacked Banunu villages with extreme violence and speed, allowing little time to escape.

It added that the provincial authorities in Yumbi, in Mai-Ndombe Province, in the west of the country, appear to have failed in their responsibility to protect the population.

The casualty numbers are probably a lot higher than the five hundred and thirty-five in the report.