The new Dean, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Professor Anthony Eze has stressed the need for peaceful approach to combact oil theft and pipeline vandalism in the country.

He maintained that a recent United Nation’s report on oil related crimes revealed that Nigeria lost about two-point eight billion dollars in revenue in 2018.

Professor Eze who stated this in an interview with newsmen maintained that crude oil theft and other related crimes, threaten government revenue, peace and security in the country.

He called for the establishment of security and regional development committees as well as the community pipleline and facilities surveillance programme to assist in combating oil theft and pipeline vandalism.

According to the University Teacher, government needs to enact a law that will prescribe stiffer jail term or punishment for the crime.

He advised oil-firms to improve on their relations with host communities and use the local communities for effective intelligence gathering on crude oil theft and other related maritime crimes to check oil-related crimes in the country.