Reports say Ethiopian Airlines has offered the relatives of one hundred and fifty-seven victims of last Sunday’s Boeing seven hundred and thirty-seven Max plane crash, bags of scorched earth to bury in place of their loved ones.

According to the reports, earth from the crash site is being made available for a planned service in Addis Ababa today.

Families have been told it could take up to six months to identify remains. Countries across the world grounded the seven hundred and thirty-seven Max eight and nine aircraft after flight three hundred and two crashed last week.

Ethiopia’s transport minister, Mr Dagmawit Moges, said it may take considerable time for investigators to find the cause of the crash involving the new aeroplane.

He said an investigation of such magnitude requires a careful analysis and considerable time to come up with something concrete. Relatives of the passengers killed in the incident are being encouraged to provide DNA samples either in Addis Ababa or at any overseas offices of Ethiopian Airlines.

Death certificates are expected to be issued in two weeks.

The soil came as it became impossible to identify bodies and hand over remains to family members.

Passengers from more than thirty countries were on board the Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa to Nairobi.

The Ethiopian investigation into the crash is being assisted by teams from around the world, including the US and France.

The aircraft’s flight data recorder, FDR and cockpit voice recorder, CVR, or black boxes as they are often called, have been recovered and investigators are hoping they will shed light on the tragedy.