Electricity consumers in Awka and environs will soon enjoy power supply twenty fours a day with the upcoming installation of a fifteen MVA at Agu Awka substation.
The Managing Director Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, EEDC, Mr Okey Nwosu, dropped the hint in Awka during a customer’s forum organised by EEDC for electricity consumers in Awka and Environs.
Addressing the gathering, the Managing Director, Mr Nwosu represented by the Head of Security, Mr Frank Ejiofor, said that Awka residents would start enjoying steady power supply as soon as work in a new injection substation going on inside ABS premises is completed.
According to Mr Nwosu, when completed, the seven point five MVA transformers presently at Agu Awka substation would be moved to ABS injection station, giving way for the fifteen MVA transformer newly procured by the company to boost power supply.

He cautioned against vandalization of their property and assaulting staff of the company while discharging their duties, regretting that about three of their high tension wires were vandalised at Abagana, a situation he said, has thrown people of that area into darkness.
On his part, the Head Health, Safety and Environment, Engineer Francis Iwu, stressed the need for people to stop building under high tension wires describing it as suicidal, adding that they now have the authority to disconnect buildings under high tensions and would sue the owners for violation of power line right of way.
The Head of Communication EEDC, Mr Emeka Ezeh, in a speech explained that the company is currently carrying out enumeration exercise to know the number of consumer in every district because according to him, the number of energy distributed is lesser than the number of consumers in South East.
Mr Eze called for prompt payment of bills by consumers to enable them import enough energy that will serve the people, adding that metering of consumers has now been regulated by National Electricity Regulatory Commission who has devised Meter Asset Provider as a new means of metering which will kick off soon.
Other speakers at the event including Mrs Ijeoma Ogudebe who is the Manager Customer Service and Sir Tony Obi who is the Manager community laison, talked on various measures taken by EEDC to have personal relationship with the consumers, and the need to channel their complaints to the
appropriate office especially in the areas of billing and poor supply, for immediate attention.
Some of the consumers including Messrs Chidubem Nwafor, Casmir Agummadu and Ozo Okonkwo, laid various complaints including outrageous bills, faulty transformers among others, and were cleared on how to tackle their issues.
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