Government and people of Anambra State are delighted to receive the news that Fides Newspaper has won the award of excellence for balanced journalism among Catholic media organisations in Nigeria.

The award was won on Tuesday, March 26, at the Pope John Paul Pastoral Centre Centre in Makurdi, Benue State, following a keenly contested competition.

In a congratulatory message, the Anambra State Commissioner for Information & Public Enlightenment, Mr C. Don Adinuba, noted that Fides was able to get the award “because you have been professional, rejecting the tempation of easy and sensational journalism.

“We are pleased that you have been recognised for balanced reports and fair commentaries.

“At a time some media, including the social media, engage in journalism of publish- and- be- damned in the name of fighting societal problems, Fides has chosen to tread the trajectory of responsible journalism. We encourage responsible because it makes for societal excllence

The Willie Obiano administration has gone out of its way to make Anambra State synonymous with excellence in various ramifications, and your new award is in sync with this policy which has earned our state enormous praise in Nigeria and beyond.

Keep on extending the frontiers of excellence in Anambra State.

God bless Anambra, the Light of the Nation.

C. Don Adinuba
Commissioner for Information & Public Enlightenment.