Experts have forecast a normal annual rainfall of one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine millimeters between March twenty-seventh and December fifth 2019.

The State Meteorological Manager, Mr. Audu Otobo announced this during a step down training on capacity building and awareness creation on climate change, environmental and social issues for IFAD-VCDP farmers across the participating Local Government Areas.

The step down training on capacity building and awareness creation which attracted rice and cassava farmers from various communities within the area, started with those in Awka North at Achalla the Council Headquarters and ended with Orumba North farmers at Omogho Town Hall.

Addressing the participants at the various centres, Mr. Otobo said starting from the onset of rainfall to its cessation, farmers have the length of two hundred and fifty-three days planting season.

Mr. Otobo who spoke through Mr. Nnamdi Nweze, noted that the present temperature increase signifies that there will be pest infestations on the farms and urged them to report to the authorities on noticing such for immediate action.

While advising them to plant trees around their farm land to check the impending increase in wind speed, Mr. Otobo also urged them to increase their farm ridges to also check flash floods.

The State Agric Production Officer, IFAD -VCDP, Mr. Emmanuel Chukwukwelu, said after sensitizing farmers on the importance of insuring their farmers, they thought it wise to also equip them with
climate change to enable them plan when to plant and when to harvest.

Mr Chukwukwelu asked them to always be at alert on noticing any unusual happening in their farm, for immediate action from the state coordination office of IFAD -VCDP.

Some of the participants including Mr. Alphonsus Ajide, Chief Chidi Okpala and Lady Queen Okoye, described the training as a refresher course noting that they have long been equipped with the necessary steps to take in putting the result of the climate change under control.