The United Nations has named tomorrow as the day of remembrance of the victims of the Rwanda genocide.

The day commemorates the death of more than eight hundred thousand people who were murdered during the 1994 genocide in that country.

The year 1990 was a landmark in the history of Rwanda as rebels of the Tutsi-dominated Rwanda Patriotic Front invaded northern Rwanda from neighbouring Uganda.

The Rwanda Patriotic Front success prompted President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, to speed up political reforms to legalize opposition parties.

The following year, Rwanda and the Rwanda Patriotic Front signed a deal to end years of civil war, allowing for power-sharing and refugees’ return.

But President Habyarimana was slow in implementing it as transitional government failed to take off.

Each side accused the other of blocking its formation. Presient Habyarimana and neighbouring Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira were killed in a rocket attack on their plane almost a year
later in April sixth, 1994.