Hosanna, Hosanna, Hossana, Blessed is he who comes in  the name of the  Lord was the chorus in all the churches visited  as Christians  commemorate   the  Palm Sunday .

Most of the churches were also decorated with palm fronds and some fronds were displayed along the streets, signifying Christ’s entry into Jerusalem as King of Peace. 

At Saint Joseph the Worker Chaplaincy, Awka, the mass was divided into three segments, starting with liturgy of Palm Sunday, the Passion Sunday and Eucharistic celebration.

In his homily, the chaplain of of the chaplaincy Reverend Father Basil Ucheonye said that Christ moving ahead of his disciples into Jerusalem shows that he has conquered fear and getting ready for his death . He explained that Christians in all circumstances of life should be focused and look unto Christ who will give them victory.

The Vicar of Saint Andrew’s Church Nawgu, Venerable Godfrey Nkeanyimou said that the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ brought light and liberation from bondage for all Christians. 

The vicar of Saint John’s Church Okpuno, Reverend Canon Onyekachukwu Egwuonwu, maintained that Christ came to save, and his kingship is to restore  peace  in the world, advising the parishioners to ensure their requests align  with  God’s will.