Christians all over the World are observing today as Maundy Thursday.

It is a day to observe the last supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples during which he announced that one of them will betray him.

Maundy Thursday is also when the Holy Communion was instituted by Jesus Christ. During the day, Jesus Christ washed the feet of His disciples as a mark of humility in service.

Services will be held in various Churches to mark the day which is also known as Holy Thursday.

Speaking on the significance of the day, the Archdeacon Cathedral Church of Saint Faith Awka, Venerable Samuel Okonkwo, said that the day reminds all the need to be faithful and dedicated to the things of the Lord.

Venerable Okonkwo maintained that those in the authority should emulate the humility of Jesus Christ who washed the feet of His disciples and ensured that they use available resources to better the lives of others.

A Priest in Awka Catholic Diocese, Reverend Father Nicholas Okekeocha encouraged Christians to always live the life of love.