The Enugu Electricity Distribution (EEDC) is using the occasion of Easter celebration to wish her customers a happy Easter holiday, as they commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The organization equally used the opportunity of the Easter season to reach out to ten motherless babies and old people’s homes across its coverage area within the five South Eastern States.

This initiative by EEDC, as described by its Head of Communications, Mr. Emeka Ezeh, is the organization’s way of giving back to the society and remembering the less privileged and down trodden in the society.

The representatives of EEDC, led by Mr. Ezeh, were at the Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home, Nwanne Di Na Mba Estate, New Haven Extension, Enugu and Rehabilitation Centre, Emene, Enugu, to present some food items , beverages and toiletries.

Mr Ezeh explained that the exercise happened simultaneously at the selected Homes across the South East.

Appreciating the EEDC, the Matron of Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home, Sister Martin Agnes Ibewuike and Principal of Rehabilitation Centre, Emene, Enugu, Mr. Anthony Agu, commended EEDC for remembering them and making out time to visit them, especially during this Easter period.

It will be recalled that EEDC has in the past engaged in initiatives aimed at empowering and enhancing the lives of the people, most especially youths.

These include distribution of books and other educational materials worth Millions of Naira to secondary and tertiary institutions within the South East, in partnership with a non-governmental organization