Two hundred and fifty nine doctorate degree holders are to receive their certificate during the thirteenth convocation ceremony of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.

The Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Joseph Ahaneke stated this in his office in Awka during a media briefing on the rundown of program of events for the Convocation.

Professor Ahaneku stated that seven hundred and ninety master’s degree holders will also receive their certificates during the program.

He said that in the life of every institution, there are three aspects they concentrate on which is teaching, research and community service stating that there will be exhibition by students where the former Executive Secretary of the National University Commission, Professor Julius Okoji will be the guest of honour.

Professor Ahaneku revealed that the University will award Honorary Doctorate Degree to three great Nigerians who have contributed positively to the development of the society which include the traditional ruler of Onitsha Obi Alfred Achebe who will be given Doctor of Science Degree
while Ambassador Babagana Kingibe, will be given Doctor of Politics and Strategy.

The Vice Chancellor disclosed that the best graduating students will be celebrated and appreciated for others to keep working hard.

Professor Ahaneku also said that the gate to the institution will be commissioned alongside other seventeen projects put in place by his administration.