The Chairman and Managing Director of TONIMAS Nigeria Limited, Dr Anthony Enukeme, says his attention has been drawn to the falsehood and unpalatable insinuations being peddled on the social media that he is planning to build a Mosque for the Hausa community in Neni, Anaocha
Local Government Area of Anambra State with a bid to Islamize the State.

In a release issued at his country home Neni, Dr Enukene, who is the traditional Prime Minister of his community, described the publication in the Social Media as not only malicious and ludicrous, but a deliberate ploy to tarnish the good image he has garnered for many years, since he is not planning to build a Mosque in the community or donated a land for the Hausa community in Anaocha Local Government Area for cemetery.

Dr Enukeme called on purveyors of the ugly and unwarranted publication and attacks to cash in on his rare achievements, philanthropy and humanitarian services, rather than wasting their time on irrelevancies in the Social Media.

Dr Enukeme, who doubles as the President, Anambra State Council of Traditional Prime Ministers, enjoined Nigerians to focus on issues that unite rather than those that divide.