Nurses have been urged to enlighten nursing mothers in their Health Centres on the importance of family planning.

Participants at a two-day training organized by the Association for Reproductive and Family Health made the call at Ekwusigo Secretariat Hall, Ozubulu,

Mrs Edith Okpala, the Master Trainer, enlightened the Nurses on importance of new Depo Medroxyl Progisterous Acetate, a method of family planning.

According to her, the method is small in size, a single doze, pre-filled and self injectable.

Mrs Okpala said that the method is safe, effective and is injected every three months, adding that no method is hundred per cent certain, except abstinence from sex.

She noted that any woman of reproductive age, whether breast feeding or not, who do not want to abstain from sex, should go for this method as it would be easier and quicker to use.

She, however cautioned that a person should stop using it if she sees any symptom of pregnancy or notices any lumps in her body.

One of the participants, Mrs Uju Okeke said she is happy about the training and promised to help to sensitize other women on the importance of the method.