Nnewi Catholic Diocese has joined the rest of the world in marking the aga=World Communications Day with special discussion programme on the Pope’s message for the year.

The event commenced with a pontifical holy mass presided over by the Vicar General of Nnewi Diocese, Rev Monsignor Patrick Ezeobata at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral Nnewi.

Reflecting on the message of Pope Francis for the celebration, Bishop Hilary Odili through the Vicar General called on Christians to recognize themselves as members of one body whose head is Christ.

He advocated a return to positive potentials of the internet in creating the necessary connection and cooperation between people and in building authentic human community.

The Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Mr. C-Don Adinuba while delivering a keynote address underscored absence of gatekeeper in the social media which he said has resulted to its abuse.

Mr. Adinuba noted that the advent of internet is a blessing to humanity through its numerous advantages including making the world a global village, and appealed to the users to help in achieving the purpose of its invention.

On his part, the Auxiliary Bishop of Onitsha Archdiocese, Bishop Denis Isizoh who was represented by Reverend Father Innocent Udolisah stressed the need for Christians to affirm the interpersonal nature of humanity and consider the importance of promoting human values which includes love for life, justice and fairness, freedom, equity among others.

The 2019 World Communication Day has it’s theme as “We are members of one another” from the social media to human community drawn from the scriptural passage Ephesians Four verse twenty-five and featured special performances by Saint Paul’s Seminary Ukpor Orchestra.