Written By Dr. Uchebo Obiageli

Saving One Million Lives Programme for Results is a result–oriented program with six major intervention areas for the vulnerable groups of which three are for under 5-year-old children and three for the pregnant women. The first is that every child, under five years, must sleep inside long- lasting insecticidal nets.The nets prevent bite of the female Anopheles mosquito that transmits malaria.

Malaria constitutes a huge epidemiological burden in Africa and continues to cripple the economic burden of the region. Its victims are mostly pregnant women and their unborn babies and children below the age of five. In Nigeria, the disease is responsible for sixty per cent of out-patients’ visit to the health facilities, thirty per cent childhood death, twenty-five of death in children under one year and eleven per cent maternal death.

Malaria is not just a disease commonly associated with poverty but also a cause of poverty and a major hindrance to economic development. In Nigeria, huge financial resources are expended annually in form of treatment costs, prevention, loss of man hours and yet it is a treatable and preventable disease. If there is No Mosquito bite, there will be No Malaria.

Malaria, if not properly handled medically, can cause many complications to the child such as anemia, convulsion, brain damage, organ damage, ‘even the so-called ‘uma-afor’ and ultimately, death. Pregnant mothers should equally sleep inside the net because malaria in pregnancy could result to neonatal jaundice, stillbirth, abortion etcetera. Malaria kills more than HIV

The female Anopheles mosquito that transmits malaria sneaks into the house, even with door nets, as soon as one opens the door. They bite mostly inside the house from around 10pm to early morning- a period when the victims are fast asleep and defenseless. There is therefore the need to cover oneself while on bed. The males are harmless, bite in the evening and hums in the ear.

Mosquito bites can be prevented by keeping the environment clean; clearing bushes around; removing all stagnant water from empty cans, condemned tyres, etcetera; covering all open containers with water such as tanks and toilet water closets as well as sleeping inside Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets. The nets have insecticides permeated within their fabric and are very safe.

They are as barrier to mosquito and as an insecticide that kills mosquitoes and other insects. The Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets must be aired between 24 and 48 hours before use to avoid irritation when sleeping in them. When they get dirty, they should be washed with mild soap like tablet soap and not detergent or medicated soap. This will allow the insecticide last as long as was designed.

The net should be dried or aired under a shade, never under sunlight as the sun may weaken the insecticide. In Government hospitals across Anambra state, every pregnant woman who attends and registers for antenatal clinic for the first time, gets Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets, while every child who is fully immunized also gets.

Another programme isVITAMIN A supplement, given twice yearly to children from 6 months to 5 years, which improves their immunity, sight and development. Vitamin A is distributed to school pupils and as well in health facilities during the bi-annual Maternal Neonatal and Child Health week.

There is alsoIMMUNIZATION. It is advocated that every child receives the full schedule of immunization from birth till 9 months of age for maximum protection from childhood killer diseases.

In addition, every pregnant woman should register early for Antenatal care, complete the 4 focused visits and should be delivered by a skilled birth attendant to avoid maternal and child death. Another important programme is prevention of mother to child transmission. Pregnant women should be tested for HIV. If HIV is detected early, the unborn child will be prevented from getting the virus through different interventions given in hospitals. Then, Family Planning. All women of child bearing age must plan their families and space their children properly. There are different methods of Family planning, but one needs to be screened by a specialist to ascertain the best option.

Lastly, mothers are enjoined to ensure that their children sleep inside the net every night. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.