The International Community is observing today as Parliamentary Day.
United Nations sets out the day to celebrate parliaments and the way in which parliamentary system of government improves the living standards of the people.

It is also an opportunity for parliaments to take stock, identify challenges, and ways to address them effectively.

Strong parliaments are the cornerstone of democracy as they represent
the voice of the people, pass laws and allocate funds to implement laws and policies, among others.

They work towards ensuring that policies benefit the people, especially the most vulnerable.

Parliaments also link international and national agendas, ensuring that governments implement international treaties and agreements.

They play a vital role in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Of one hundred and ninety-three member countries of the United Nations, seventy-nine are practicing Bi-cameral legislature, while one hundred and fourteen are practicing Uni-cameral, making it a total of two hundred and seventy-two chambers of parliament with over forty-six thousand members of parliament.