Construction works are in progress, on various road projects across the state despite the fact that rainy season is at its peak. 
This was evident when the Commissioner for Works, Engineer Marcel Ifejiofor, took Directors in the Ministry on inspection visit to Aguleri-Uno-Aguleri-Otu Oil Rig Road, in Anambra East council area. 
Correspondent Ngozi Obileri  reports that the forty two kilometer road has been tarred up to nine meters while sharp sand has been filed on twenty percent of the road.

Laterite has also been done up to fifteen percent on the road while  asphalting was on going on the road as at the time of this report.
Speaking after the  inspection, Engineer Ifejiofor said the road will link four communities and the oil well in Aguleri Otu including Aguleri Uno, Enuguotu Aguleri, Aguleri Otu and Mkpunando , which are food producing communities.

Engineer Ifejiofor said that the road is very important to people of the area because they have not had any tarred road since creation.
He said that electric poles are being installed for people of the area to give them electricity for the first time, while government is equally sinking boreholes in parts of the communities. 

He described it as grass-root development at its peak. 
On his part, the site Engineer Mr. Audi Abdala, said they are determined to deliver quality job on the road inspite of the challenge  posed by the  terrain, promising to deliver on schedule and according to specification.