The United States has imposed fresh sanctions on Russia over the 2018
poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal, an attack which took place in Britain.

Washington will oppose the extension of any loan, financial or technical assistance to Russia by financial institutions and put
limits on United States banks from purchasing Russian sovereign debt.

The United States will also limit the export of goods and technology to Russia that could be used in the country’s chemical and biological arms programme.

The measures could prevent Russia from accessing billions of dollars of bilateral commercial activity with the United States.

The sanctions will come into effect following a fifteen-day congressional notification period around August fifteen, and will remain in place for a minimum of twelve months.

It would be recalled that last year, the United States imposed an initial batch of sanctions against Russia over the attack on Skripal, which included bans on arms sales and exports of national security-sensitive goods and termination of most United States assistance to Russia.