The signing into law of the Engineers Registration and Amendment Act 2018 by President Muhamadu Buhari has broadened the powers of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN, with far reaching powers of prosecution of infractions, ensuring capacity building and monitoring of local content in the Nigerian Engineering Sector among others.

The President of the council, Engr. Ali Rabiu, stated this while addressing journalists in Abuja on the forth coming twenty eighth COREN Engineering Assembly.

The President of Coren, flanked by other members of the Council, while reeling out stiff measures against quackery, promised that the Council will redouble its efforts at ensuring quality assurance of Engineering Training Institutions through the accreditation of Engineering Programmes in Nigerian Universities.

Engr. Rabiu stated that the Council established by decree fifty five of 1970, is empowered to regulate, and control the practice of engineering profession in all its aspects and ramifications.

He said that with the new Act, COREN’s powers are enhanced in various aspects including prosecutorial powers, expanding the quality and scope of its regulations, strengthening its administration, enforcing professional discipline among others.

He disclosed that the Twenty Eighth assembly expected to hold in Abuja later this month with the theme, “Strategic alliance amongst engineering professionals for enhanced opportunities” will bring together all cadres of engineering personnel to discuss issues that will lift the engineering profession to greater heights.

According to him, strategic alliance is generally cooperation and coordination of designated responsibilities amongst engineering and allied professionals guided by codes, ethics and standards and supported by laws to deliver quality and cost effective services, products and processes to the satisfaction of their clients.