Christians have been urged to prepare themselves for the second coming of Christ. The Bishop Emeritus of Ihiala Diocese, Anglican Communion, Right Reverend Rahael Okafor made the call the commencement of the International Prophetic Prayer Conference of the Apostolic Coalition of Prophetic Elders  holding at Warman Control Tower, Awka, with the theme, “God’s men for the final onslaught” which  attracted participants from within and outside Nigeria.

 Bishop of Okafor emphasized that  in the last days with the anticipation of the soon coming of Jesus Christ, there should be coordinated efforts  to promote what is good and eliminate the devil and his kingdom.

He  urged  believers  to continuously carry out power evangelism with prayer, preaching and holistic  mission to 
establish groups  of believers everywhere.

Earlier in a remark, the International President of ACPE, Venerable
Chima Ugochukwu stressed that even  in the last days when
evil appears to be on the rise, Christians should sustain their love for  Christ and 
cautionef them  against being ignorant of the schemes of the

Venerable Ugochukwu charged christians to be mindful of God’s
objective and mission and align themselves with them . 

One of the Ministers of of the Church, Dr Alfred
Itiowe who dwelt on the topic, “understanding Devine design for end
time Crack squad,”  said that once God finds the right men, great things
will begin to happen within a short period of time and recalled that 
the early believers were able to do the work because they were men
after God’s own heart.

Dr Itiowe lamented the increasing presence of 
 manipulators and intruders in the church   and called
on Christians to rise up to the challenge as God is looking beyond
styles, strategies and crowd.

Apostolic Coalition of Prophetic Elders is a vision and movement made
up of prophets, evangelists, apostles, bishops, music ministers, lay
readers and intercessors, with membership cutting  across denominational
lines, dedicated to helping  the growth of the  church and  encouraging,
training and anointing leaders for the end time harvest.

Drama presentations, chior ministration, among others featured at the
event which will end next Sunday