Written By : Tayo Ogunbiyi

In the colonial era, it was normal to see Whites brutalizing and oppressing Blacks as epitomized by the atrocious trans-Atlantic slave trade and other similar obnoxious acts. Although colonialism has ended in Africa, the chilling xenophobic attacks simply show that the equation has changed. In South Africa, Whites no longer brutalize Blacks. Rather, it is Blacks that are maiming Blacks. Brothers are now killing brothers.

In the colonial era, it was normal to see Whites brutalizing and oppressing Blacks as epitomized by the atrocious trans-Atlantic slave trade and other similar obnoxious acts. Although colonialism has ended in Africa, the chilling xenophobic attacks simply show that the equation has changed. In South Africa, Whites no longer brutalize Blacks. Rather, it is Blacks that are maiming Blacks. Brothers are now killing brothers.

Africa has failed her illustrious sons. What is currently going on in South Africa is contrary to the African spirit of brotherliness and hospitality. It is contrary to the spirit behind the formation of the African Union, AU, which encourages freedom of movement and other related activities among African nations.

Victims of xenophobic attacks in South Africa are from various African nations, including Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Somalia and Ethiopia. In the last three years, about 127 Nigerians have been reportedly killed. What complicates the issue is the perceived complicity of the South African Police who were alleged to be responsible for 13 out of those killed.

From January to June 2019, 10 Nigerians were reportedly killed, either by South Africans or by members of the South African Police Service. It is worrisome that most victims of the attacks do not usually receive swift help from the police. Could this seeming indifference be considered as official approval of the dastardly acts of some heartless and crude South Africans?

If the issue is not quickly addressed by the concerned authorities, it could snowball into a serious crisis between the two countries. Many Nigerians are aggrieved at the uncivilised manner our compatriots are being treated in South Africa and they are already demonstrating their resentment through several means. However, in dealing with the sad subject, one does not really approve of any action that does not portray civility. In spite of obvious provocations, National Association of Nigerian Students NANS and other such groups should toe the path of courteousness.

Indeed, in the long run, we are not likely to profit from any crude action against South African business interests in the country. While it is logical to disapprove of what is going on in South Africa, our compatriots need to exercise patience and have faith in the ability of governments of the two nations to diplomatically sort out the issue.

According to experts on South African politics, the genesis of the attacks is traceable to the issue of migrants, mostly from other African states and Asia, who have moved to South Africa in huge numbers since White-minority rule was terminated in 1994. Many South Africans have accused these immigrants from taking the available jobs in a country where the unemployment rate is 24 per cent.

Thus, the attacks in South Africa cannot be divorced from the worsening poverty and unemployment rate in the continent. In Africa, the reality of poverty is quite frightening as most Africans live on less than a dollar income per day. Perhaps more disturbing is that African countries account for a greater proportion of the Least Developed Countries, LDCs, in the world. This, perhaps, explains why poverty indicators such as extreme hunger, malnourishment, homelessness, diseases, high crime rate, slums, lack of opportunities, low productivity and illiteracy abound in larger quantity in the continent.

 Though the poverty and unemployment situation in the continent should not be an excuse to justify the evil being perpetrated in South Africa, it is, nevertheless, a clarion call for African governments to tackle poverty in the continent. Meanwhile, the AU should prevail on the South African government to take immediate measures to protect and safeguard the lives and property of African migrants and, indeed, all nationals resident in South Africa and ensure that compensations are paid to the families of all who lost their family members and relations as well as property. The whole of Africa rose up against the deadly apartheid regime in South Africa. Indeed, Nigeria was in the forefront of the struggle to liberate South Africa from the evil of apartheid. Ordinarily, this ought to place a huge moral burden on the South African government to protect all Africans, and especially Nigerians, living legitimately on its soil.