The first session of the 2020 Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBN, has ended with a call on Christians to hold fast to the word of God.

Ekwi Ajide of our Abuja Bureau reports that in a seven paragraphs communiqué issued at the end of the plenary, the Catholic Bishops Conference, urged priests and all pastoral agents to be ready at all times to share the word of word with the flock committed to them.

The communiqué, read by the Bishop of Kafancha, Most Reverend Julius Kundi and signed by the President of CBCN, Archbishop Augustine Akubeze and his Secretary, Most Reverend Camillus Umoh, called on Christians to be people of hope amidst the vicissitudes and vagaries of life especially in the trying times, while charging them to hold on to the principle of loving even their enemies.

The Bishops thanked the Holy Father for the creation of Ekwulobia Diocese and subsequent appointment of Most Reverend Peter Okpaleke as its first Bishop.