By Ikenna Aniagboso

To the Glory of the Almighty Creator, our dear state, Anambra, continues to make progress in the war against Covid-19.

It is most pleasing to announce that we have no Covid-19 patient in any of our protective care centres currently.

According to Health Commisioner, Dr Vincent Okpala, the last of them was discharged home in excellent health about two days ago.

His words: “Out of 66 confirmed cases, we had about 40 active cases 2 weeks ago. Most of these were managed at our protective care center. As of the time of this report, we do not have an active case. They have all been discharged home”.

We are thankful to God for his mercies but let us remember that Covid-19 is still here. We must take responsibility of protecting ourselves and others.

Please wear a mask in public places and do well to observe all established health protocols.

Commit our Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and all Covid-19 frontline workers to the care and protection of God.