The Vicar of Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit Awka, Venerable Dr Rex Kanu says Christ came to bring light unto mankind and peace to the society.

Venerable Kanu stated this in a sermon during church service which marks the last Sunday of the month.

Speaking on the theme “Modeling Christ in Our behavior” Venerable Kanu noted that it’s important for those that were baptized in the name of Christ, through their characters bear witness for Christ that will make other people to repent and follow Christ.

He called on them to eschew envy, hatred, rancor, and follow Christ who he said will lead them to the promise land.

Meanwhile, Reverend Chukwuka Obi of Our Saviours Church Awka said Christains should strive to live like Christ not only prophesying him.

Reverend Obi in his sermon noted that they should bear good fruits, live a life of compassion, sacrifice and love reminding the church that their goal is to make heaven, adding that when they commit totally to Christ, they will rejoice with him in heaven.

Similarly, the Parish Priest of Annunciation Parish, Awka, Reverend Father Victor Igwegbe has called on Christians to pray always and shun unbridled quest for materialism.

Reverend Father Igwegbe noted that the flesh and pleasure have deceived many people thereby making them to soil their hands for materialism and go contrary to the kind of life which Christ wants them to live, advising them to seek spiritual life of Christ, wisdom and fear of God to inherit his kingdom.

Also at the Kingdom Of Grace, Awka, Prophet Dr Tom Felix said it is better to preach the raw gospel of Jesus Christ than to coat it to suit mankind.

Prophet Felix charged Christians to seek the kingdom of God first, which requires self denial urging them to stop running from pillar to post as the word of God must surely come to pass.