For many, several things begin to happen to their spines as they age. The back bones or vertebrae begin to thicken and the discs between the vertebrae start to loose moisture and shape due to wear and tear. Hence, the spinal canal becomes narrower, putting pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots, causing pain, numbness, tingling sensation or weakness in the body.

This condition is called spinal stenosis, which is a degenerating condition, meaning the symptom tend to be progressive, increasing in severity as the patient ages. Spinal stenosis can occur in all areas of the spine, but occurs most in the lumbar spinal (waist region) and the cervical spine (neck region).

Patient with lumbar (lower back or waist) stenosis may feel pain, weakness or numbness in the legs or buttocks. The symptoms may increase when walking short distances and decrease when sitting, bending forward or lying down. Cervical (neck) stenosis has similar symptoms in the shoulder, arms and hands, given rise to weak grip and even difficulty in making a fist.

Really, ageing does not start when one is old. In the spine, ageing may start as early as the age of twenty. However, it is obvious after the age of 40. Excessive wear and tear in the spine will result to premature ageing of the joints. When called to straighten and stand erect or to turn the head, they are unable.

A good number of victims of common back pain have attended medical facilities where medicines were prescribed, which in some cases were unimpressive, ineffective and sometimes with unpleasant effect.

Many have had their painful backs, massaged or rubbed. And some have had incisions or cuts performed on their painful back and the affected leg. All these are efforts to tame the monster called back pain. Surprisingly, these remedies do not have lasting effect on the disturbing back pain.

Most deformities in our elderly people are the visible effects of poor postural habit or persistent back pain that was not properly dealt with earlier or were neglected. This would eventually result to secondary and sometimes severe consequences when their effects are transmitted to our body organs. Organs such as the lungs are constricted and breathing is affected. Invariably this could bring about the interference with bowel movement (toileting), urine control and even penile erection.

No doubt, debilitating back pain has affected the effective performance of some vital organs in the body of victims. Chronic back pain has rendered many people bed ridden and wheelchair bound.

Despite the problem most people do not get adequate and cost-effective treatment for their agonizing back pain. They continue to suffer month after month year after year because many of the victims of common back pain are irrational in the choice of health facility to attend to get effective relief.

The effects of ageing can result in bones being brittle, muscles and ligaments decreasing in strength and elasticity. However, the effects can be slowed by labour-intensive measures of skilled physiotherapists who would work on the back structures, teach and educate the victim on some therapeutic exercise regimen that will improve their reflexes and align their body.

Physiotherapy program that is performed skillfully and thoughtfully is a preferred option that will either abolish the pain or dramatically reduce the pain within minutes. Furthermore, a skilled physiotherapist will aim at strengthening the back structures and increasing flexibility.

As senior citizens, we must not accept back pain as we would accept gray hair on our head as normal part of ageing process. The back is the power-house for the entire body, supporting our trunk and making of the movements of the head, hands, and legs possible. Any injury to the back could be catastrophic.

Talk to your primary provider or doctor who will excitedly refer you to competent physiotherapy facility. A skilled physiotherapist will help find a treatment plan that could return you to your pain-free life once more.