The Management and students of Regina Pacis Model Secondary School Onitsha recently organized a send forth ceremony for the SS three students of 2019/2020 academic session of the school.
The occasion attracted former Director of the school, Father Jerome Ezenwelu from Rome and chairman Board of Directors of the school, Very Reverend Father Theophlious Odukwe among other dignitaries.
Staff reporter Festus Obierka who was there for ABS, reports that the school, went agog with celebration as they mark the event.

The graduation ceremony which was organized for graduating students, transferred and retired teachers was to bid them farewell for their efforts while in the school.

Earlier in his homily during a mass that ushered in the ceremony, the former Director of the school, Reverend Father Jerome Ezenwelu called on both students and management of the school to love one another and maintain the excellence the school is known for.

Father Ezenwelu re-emphasized the need for the students to keep on doing what they learnt while in school and shun immorality so as to excel in life.

Speaking to the ABS in an interview, the Director of the school, Very Reverend Father Pascal Okonkwo who expressed satisfaction with the student’s performance in both internal and external examinations, described the school as a Golden school in Nigeria, where students are molded both in character and learning and urged them to always avoid bad company to differentiate themselves among their contemporaries around the world.
He extolled Governor Willie Obiano for his passion for education describing him as one who has interest of students at heart.

Advising the students, the Chairman Board of Director of the school, Very Reverend Father Theophlious Odukwe called on students to always register their presence as well as identify with the school in order to be at home with the school activities, promising financial aid to any student who scored 9A’s and any teacher whose subject the students score high in.

Also speaking, the Principal of the school, Mrs. Francica Ohalebo, advised the graduating students to know where they are coming from and not to depart from what they were taught and to reciprocate the teachers and management efforts by being good ambassadors of their Alma mater.
The occasion featured, cutting of cake, giving of prizes to those who distinguished themselves, dances and Christmas songs among other things.