Ndi Anambra have been urged to support Governor Willie Obiano in his present drive to consolidate on the initiative for sustainable development.

Speaking to Journalists in Awka, the National Chairman of the Willie Obiano support Group, Chief Jude Emecheta said the Governor has set a template for comprehensive development across all sectors.

Our man Paul Ezeoke reports that according to Chief Emecheta Governor Obiano has remained steadfast and focused in fulfilling promises made to Ndi Anambra at the inception of his administration saying that his agricultural revolution has created a lot of employment in the entire value chain as well as enabled the State to achieve food security and expand export capacity.

He noted that his rural development policies and programmes are opening up the hinterland and creating new windows of opportunity at the grassroots which he pointed out will help boost the State Gross Domestic Product and discourage brain drain in any sector as well as reduce rural urban drift by youths.

Chief Emecheta said the Governor huge investment in legacy projects including the Cargo Airport project at Umueri and International Conference Centre in Awka will protect the future economy of the State through Internal Revenue Generation and creating employment opportunities with multiplier effects.

Also speaking a former President-General of Nnobi Town Union, Dr Mike Omenugha said the Governor has advanced the course of physical and human infrastructural development that enhanced steady growth indices and upgraded quality life across the State, noting that the State has remained the most secured in the country while training and empowerment of youth in Agriculture have significantly reduce unemployment and further give the State comparative advantage in various agriculture sub-sectors.

Dr Omenugha observed that huge investment in the Education sector and sustained capacity building programmes for teachers have equipped students and pupils properly to always distinguish themselves in national and International competitions while repositioning the State healthcare system has brought quality healthcare services to the doorsteps of the people.