Former Major Nneka Olimma of Ogbolieke village recently accepted Chief Ernest Adinweruka of Umudei village Onitsha as her husband according to Onitsha customs and tradition.

Chief Adinweruka is the Special Adviser to Governor Willie Obiano on Cost Efficiency Research and Development and Executive Director of the Awka Capital Territory Development Authority.

The event took place at the bride’s family compound Ogbolieke village Onitsha in Onitsha North Local Government Area.

Performing the final rites, a red cap Chief and a family friend of the groom Professor Ngozi Okafor prayed God to keep them United and grant them all the blessings associated with marriage.

The Diokpa Umuokoloigbo kindred of Umudei village Chief Paul Nnaemeka Onuma described Chief Adinweruka as an honest man and prayed God to grant the couple long life.

The Mother of the bride Mrs Theresa Olimma prayed God to bless the Union while urging her daughter to be submissive to the husband and prayed God to grant them the spirit to love and uphold their marital obligations.

The Transition Committee Chairman for Onitsha North Local Government Area Mr. Patrick Agha Mba, a legal practitioner, Mr. Emembolu and Mr Ejima Chukwura congratulated the couple and urged them to live in peace, love and unity.

Other dignitaries at the occasion that included Senator Victor Umeh and Mr Fitex Chukwudum prayed God to bless the Union and give them the maturity they needed in the marriage.

Chief Adinweruka and his wife Major Nneka promised to love each other and work together as a team to impact lives in the society.

Cutting of the cake and bridal dance added colour to the ceremony.