
Anambra State Govt  Distributes Farm Input To Farmers In Nnewi North, South, Oyi Council Areas


July 02, 2021

The distribution of farm inputs to farmers across various Local Government Areas in the State has continued, with Nnewi North and South, including Oyi Local Government Areas getting theirs.


The distribution monitoring team, which arrived Nnewi North and was received by waiting farmers, first paid courtesy call on the Transition Committee Chairman of Nnewi North Local Government Area, Prince Chukwudi Orizu.


Welcoming the team, Prince Orizu, explained that though the area is dotted with industries, farming is still a major occupation of the people, thanking the State Government for making agriculture one of its pillars of development and sustaining the annual distribution of inputs to farmers.

Representatives of the Transition Committee Chairmen of Nnewi South, Mr. Ikechukwu Umeaniba and that of Oyi, Mr. Christopher Ekwealor, as well as the Head of Local Government Administration, Nnewi South, Mrs Amaka Nkemdilim,  commended the State Government’s effort at ensuring food security, noting that the improved cassava stems, corn seedlings and organic fertilizers given to the farmers will help them plant twice a year, with bountiful harvest.


The Special Assistant to the Governor on Agriculture, Mr. Mike Afa said his team will also monitor development of the cassava stems and seedlings in the farms after planting, while Mr. Leonard Ukatu of the All Farmers Association, Anambra State chapter, expressed joy over the support the State Government is giving to farmers, describing it as necessary in achieving desired results.


Some farmers in the areas, who came to collect the inputs, including the President General of Ezinifite, Mr. Geophrey Onuchukwu, Mrs Benedict Uchenna and Mr. Vincent Ogbonna, applauded the State Government for the  gestures.