Nigeria has inaugurated the national platform on the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS Cross Border Cooperation Prgramme, 2021to 2025.

The programme which is expected to consolidate cross border relations between Nigeria and her neighbours in the West African sub region, will serve as a spring board for the facilitation of the needed cooperation.

In his speech during the inaugural ceremony, the Minister of State for foreign affairs, Ambassador Zubairu Dada, said since the creation of the ECOWAS Commission, significant progress had been recorded in the transformation and development of the West African sub region especially in the area of free movement of people, goods and services.

According to Ambassador Zubairu, in spite of the various policies that tend to emphasise the primacy of borders as barriers to regional integration, Nigeria has been unrelenting in her efforts to bring together her neighbours in the region and leading by example in trans-border management.

He noted that the national platform will play vital roles in the coordination of the programme at managing national cross border cooperation, serve as technical steering committee and framework for consultation, guidance and implementation of the programme.

In a keynote address, the Vice President of ECOWAS Commission, Mrs. Finda Koroma, said to ensure the implementation of the ECOWAS Cross Border Co-operation Support Programme, the Commission approached member states to put in place their national platforms which will serve as look out for the implementation of the different projects that will come under the programme.

Earlier in a welcome address, the Director General, National Boundary Commission, Mr. Adamu Adaji, said there are immense opportunities for the promotion of shared culture and languages which are ties that bound people together.