Candidates and various political parties are currently criss-crossing every nook and cranny in Anambra, trying to woo electorates to vote for them in the November 6 governorship election in the state. This is normal and healthy as far as democracy is concerned.

However, this is the time many politicians promise heaven on earth, just to be voted for. Ndi Anambra should be vigilante and wise. Governorship election is one of the most important in any state. It is the time to choose who will pilot the entire affairs, including finance, human and material resources of the state. And the resources could be piloted to boom or doom.

Suffice it to say, therefore, that it requires trust, tenacity, experience, exposure and pedigree for such a person to deliver to the satisfaction of the people. Any mistake on the part of the electorate will throw the state and its people into years of darkness, regret, debt, stagnation, nonpayment of salaries and pensions, brigandage, looting and retrogression.

Thus, it is imperative that the electorate should vote massively for the ruling party in the state in order that prevailing peace, stability, good governance and impressive delivery of democracy dividends should be sustained. APGA has, no doubt, exhibited trust, reliability and confidence in the past fifteen years. The All Progressives Grand Alliance has practically demonstrated that trust means a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength to deliver the good things that democracy can offer.

APGA is trusting and trustworthy. The party has devoted truly to Ndi Anambra by its prompt responsiveness to the yearnings and aspirations of the people, that the importance of sustainable growth and development of the state cannot be overemphasized. Anambra cannot afford to return to the unfortunate era of anomie, political crises, instability, mayhem and series of strikes by workers and teachers that kept the classrooms and offices locked.

Today, the Obiano administration is implementing a people-oriented blueprint known as the Four Pillars of Development, anchored on Mechanized Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Oil and Gas and Industrialization with twelve enablers. The Security Architecture of the government is second to none, hence Anambra is acknowledged as the most business friendly environment for local and foreign investments in Nigeria.

In addition, the APGA administrations have excelled in other indices such as prompt payment of salaries, pensions and gratuities, unlike in many other states of the country. Anambra state has remained the best in the education sector in the country as manifested in her foremost positions in academic competitions in Nigeria and beyond.

Anambra’s economy has, under APGA, emerged the fourth largest in Nigeria, after those of Lagos, the Federal Capital Territory and Rivers State. Anambra has the lowest poverty index and is the least indebted state. It is reputed to have the friendliest policy towards workers in the federation.

APGA government has connected Anambra to be one of the oil producing states in Nigeria, a feat the state could not achieve in the past thirty years when the state was created. APGA government equally constructed an International Cargo and Passenger Airport, which had been on the drawing board since 1991. It is historic that the construction took place within 15 months and without the state borrowing a dime to accomplish the feat.

APGA’s “economic stimulus package” and “community choose your projects initiative” have ensured direct benefit of democracy dividends to vast majority of Ndi Anambra. The APGA governments have boosted the aesthetic image of the Awka Capital Territory with the three magnificent flyovers, improved healthcare, revolution in agriculture, the thirteen thousand capacity International Conference Centre and the Awka City Stadium. The Awka Capital Territory Development Authority, ACTDA, has made the administrative headquarters of our state one of the most organized in Nigeria. The achievements of the APGA administration in the state are indeed legion.

It is therefore against this background that the Anambra electorate should vote massively for the APGA candidate in the forthcoming governorship election, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, for sustainable and enduring socioeconomic well-being of the state. He is forthright, reliable, experienced and honest.

When we trust someone, we have confidence in him and in his honesty and integrity. For sure, he will do the things he said he will. Let’s recognize his abilities and strengths and place our faith in him. He did it at CBN, he will do it again in Anambra, the light of the nation.