The Minister of Youths and Sports Development,  Mr. Sunday Dare, has declared the week-long National Youth Games closed.
The national youth games which had seen a lot of talents displayed has Delta sitting on top of the medal table and emerging the champions once again with one hundred and fourteen medals to beat other top winners on the medal table like Lagos with seventy two medals, Bayelsa with  forty six medals, among others performing States including the Federal Capital Territory,  FCT which had thirty six medals,
In his remarks, the Minister described the tournament as an awesome time of competition, bonding, making friends, building intimacy and developing healthy rivalries which brought the best young talents in Nigeria together and giving them platform to do what they love the most.
He encouraged the participants, saying medals may have been won and lost but the reality is that every young talent represented at the tournament is a winner, whether they have a medal around their necks or not.
According to him, as a Ministry, what had displayed at the tournament had reinforced their belief that every effort put into grassroots sports development is not a waste but a worthy investment.
Minister Dare, noted, that since its first edition in 2013, the National Youth Games has grown in leaps and bounds whereby thirty five States participated in thirty four sports.