
New Year: Obiano Optimistic Of Brighter Prospects For Anambra


January 01, 2022

Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano has expressed hopes of a greater, more prosperous state in 2022.


Governor Obiano stated this in his new year message during a statewide broadcast at his Aguleri Country home.


Government House Correspondent, Ejike Abana reports that Governor Obiano who said that 2022 is a new beginning for ndi Anambra, called on illustrious Ndị Anambra to heed the Aku Luo Uno Call and bring back their resources home to deepen and expand the development of the state.


While recalling his administration’s strides over the years including the Anambra International Cargo and Passenger Airport and Awka City Stadium, Governor Obiano expressed optimism that the International Convention Center, Awka would be completed before March of 2022.


He expressed satisfaction that Anambra has become a reference point for a progressive state and asked ndi Anambra to play down on differences to build a more prosperous state, to further reposition the state.


The Governor called for promotion of brotherly love, peace and revival of the great Anambra spirit which ndi Anambra are known for and wished ndi Anambra a happy new year.