
More Nigerians Express Expectations For New Year


January 08, 2022

Eight days into the New year, some well-meaning Nigerians have been baring their minds on their expectations from the government.

The respondents spoke in an interaction with the ABS.

Barring his mind on his expectations from the Federal Government, a Frontline Industrialist, Dr Godwin Okafor,who described Industry as key to sustainable development through creation of jobs, called on the Government to evolve more measures that will ensure the growth of indigenous firms.

According to Dr Okafor who is also a community leader at Isuofia in Aguata Local Government Area, the Government should grant a tax holiday of at least five years to new industries in Nigeria to enable them to stand properly before paying tax as is done in Western countries.

Dr Okafor who described 2022 as a year with great prospects commended Governor Willie Obiano for all his developmental accomplishments in Anambra State and expressed the hope that the incoming Governor Professor Chukwuma Soludo will consolidate on the achievements.

For the Chairman of Orumba North Local Government Area council of Traditional Rulers, Igwe Godwin Ezeilo of Nanka, who said that the future is bright for Nigerians, called for the reduction in the cost of Governance and ensure proper management of resources for enhanced development of the country.

Igwe Ezeilo while calling on the Government to create more employment opportunities for the teeming youths to divert their minds from crime, makes a strong case for equitable distribution of the Nation’s resources.

Contributing, the traditional Ruler of Nise in Awka South Local Government Area, Igwe Romanus Iloh who canvassed for the creation of Industrial parks in Anambra State, for enhanced Industrial development, charged Ndi Anambra to always pay their tax regularly to enable the Government serve them better.

Igwe Iloh, commended Governor Willie Obiano for restoring people’s confidence in Governance, and expressed optimism that the emergence of Professor Chukwuma Soludo as the next Governor will ensure continuity in various legacy projects of the Obiano administration.

He called for prayers to ensure a seamless transition on March seventeenth.